Tripod/terra yahoo has changed its terms of service to require banner ads. The author has no say over the ads, gets no money from them and recommends against using them.
Welcome to
Whistle20's Federal Whistleblower Home Page
Telling the truth is powerful, but not always
easy, and rarely without consequences. Preparation
and knowledge help -- both before notifying
appropriate authorities of fraud, waste,
gross mismanagement or outright corruption,
as well as in dealing with whistleblowing's
effects, which may include shunning or management
retaliation. Whistleblower resources in these
pages may make the experience less intimidating,
lonely and/or isolating.
While the focus is on government accountability
and the merit system principles theoretically
embodied in the federal Whistleblower Protection
Act, but private sector whistleblowers too
can find this website useful. Some pages
discuss contacting law enforcement or blowing
the whistle outside the immediate chain
of command. Other pages discuss federal whistleblowers'
choices about hiring an attorney or trying
to represent themselves. The First Amendment
may or may not protect employee feedback
or principled dissent in the workplace. Remember,
this is practical, not legal, advice. This
webmaster is not making any referrals to
law enforcement, not to whistleblower attorneys
or employee rights lawyers or anyone else.
This whistleblower website has four main
areas linked below, with a site map and broader
internal search engine for convenience. Of
course this remains a work in progress. I
have included an email address below, but
don't promise any responses. It's checked
only occasionally, and mostly for HTML- or
other site design related content. So much
for the disclaimers . Onward and upward!