General Accounting Office Reports concerning whistleblower issues

Bullet[T-01-715t] The Federal Workforce: Observations on Protection from Reprisals for Whistleblowing. May 9, 2001.
Bullet[GAO-01-844R] Responses to Questions on the NoFEAR Act.
Bullet[T-GGD-00-104] Equal Employment Opportunity: Discrimination Complaint Caseloads and Underlying Causes Require EEOC's Sustained Attention. .
Bullet[RCED-99-97R] Employees who made Allegations left EPA.
Bullet[RCED-99-61R] Environmental Protection: Allegations by EPA Employees.
Bullet[HEHS-99-170] Medicare Fraud and Abuse: DOJ's Implementation of False Claims Act Guidance in National Initiatives Varies
Bullet[GGD-99-82] Tax Administration: Allegations of IRS Employee Misconduct Protection System
Bullet[RCED-97-18] Department of Energy: Contract Reform Is Progressing, but Full Implementation Will Take Years
Bullet [HEHS-97-162] Nuclear Power Safety: Industry Concerns With Federal Whistleblower Protection System
Bullet [OSI-97-1] Inspectors General: Handling of Allegations Against Senior OIG Officials
Bullet[NSIAD-96-139] Acquisition Reform: Regulatory Implementation of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act of 1994
Bullet [GCD 96-42] Federal Employee Redress: An Opportunity for Reform
Bullet [OSI 96-7R] Justice's Handling of Employee's Alleged Disclosure/Retaliation Claim
Bullet[NSIAD-95-23] Whistleblower Protection: Continuing Impediments to Protection of Military Members
Bullet[GGD-95-213] Merit Systems Protection Board: Mission Performance, Employee Protections and Working Environment
Bullet[HEHS-95-134] Health Research Misconduct: HHS' Handling of Cases Is Appropriate, but Timeliness Remains a Concern
Bullet[GGD-94-21] Whistleblower Protection: Reasons for Whistleblower Complainants' Dissatisfaction Need To Be Explored
Bullet[GGD-94-157] The Public Service: Issues Confronting the Federal Civilian Workforce